In this page, you’ll learn about Lemon Ginger Honey Tea health benefits, preparation and some the benefits of ginger in relation to heart health and more!..
If you did not read my lemon honey tea page, this is a good time to do so!
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Ok..The fifth drink in our Heart Healthy Drink series called “Lemon Ginger Honey Tea”
Ginger Benefits
Apart from the benefits you get from the lemon honey tea, adding ginger provides you other benefits.
Ginger inhibits:
- Oxidative damage
- Inflammation
- Cardiovascular disease
- Platelet aggregation
- Cholesterol
- Inflammation
- Nausea/Vomiting etc.
Source: Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects, Chapter 7, The Amazing and Mighty Ginger
Lemon Ginger Honey Tea Preparation
- Organic lemon/lime
- Organic Honey
- Warm water infused with Ginger ( Add a piece of ginger (or a few smaller pieces of ginger) when you prepare warm water.)
- Cut the lemon/lime in two halves.
- Take one half and squeeze the juice in a cup. Squeeze only as much you want otherwise you will feel more acidic taste.
- Add a teaspoon full of organic honey.
- Mix the lemon and honey well.
- Add ginger infused warm water and stir again a few times.
- Your Lemon Ginger Honey Tea is ready.
- Drink the lemon ginger honey tea sip by sip and enjoy!
Note: To get more juice out of the lemon, before you cut it in half, roll the lemon a few times on the top of the counter. This can help you to get more juice out of the lemon.
What If I Can’t Get Fresh Organic Ginger?
I’d suggest you to get fresh organic ginger from your local store.
If you cannot get it, you can Click Here or on the image below to buy Banyan Botanicals Ginger Powder, Certified Organic from Amazon.
Enjoy your Lemon Ginger Honey tea!
To Your Health & Wellbeing!..
Senthil Natarajan
Lemon Ginger Honey Tea More Information
If you want to know ever more details about benefits of this super tea, check the following site:
SuperTea – Lemon Ginger and Honey
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